We’ve worked with countless high performers just like you.

Our clients make substantial improvements in the areas most responsible for higher performance and greater well-being



Pete Kohlasch’s work changed my life!

Edward N., Managing Partner at Fortune 100 Company

My Challenge: My biggest challenge was balancing personal and professional priorities. I didn’t have a system or blueprint to manage my personal life. I felt stressed, short-tempered and even guilty. If I was at home I felt like I should be doing more at work.

If I was at work I felt like I was letting my family down. I never felt like I was fulfilling my obligations on the personal or professional front. If I left the office I felt guilty that I was leaving at 5 and not 7 and if I was at the office I felt bad that I wasn’t home for dinner with my family. I knew something was wrong but I just couldn’t put my finger on it and life got busy.

Once I had my second child and both were in school, in activities, my work got bigger and more complex, and my parents started to age and get sick…there was a lot more on the plate to juggle and I just reached that point where the stress started to pour over. I reached that point where I said, something has got to change.

My Solution: Pete Kohlasch’s work changed my life! Personally and professionally. He personalizes his work exceptionally well. His is not a cookie-cutter approach. It’s a personal blueprint I can fall back on to make sure my life is in balance.

The greatest value I’ve gained from our work together is clarity. Clarity on all aspects of my life, not just my business. Pete has given me clarity in my professional and personal life and has allowed me to balance both. I feel like since I’ve worked with Pete, I’ve found more time. All of us start our week with 168 hours. Pete has helped me to be deliberate and intentional about accomplishing more during that time without feeling hurried. He is so good at what he does that often times you don’t need him.

The beauty of Pete’s approach is he gives you a system. A system that is sustainable, repeatable, and that allows you through good times, through bad times, to plow through. The magic of his work is the system you take with you.

OE Alvin

Different from anything I've experienced.

Alvin B., Managing Partner at Fortune 100 Company

My Challenge: One of the biggest challenges for me has always been time management and balance. There is so much to do and so few hours in the day.

At times, I’ve felt guilty not spending more time with people that I know are depending on me. Historically, I’ve taken on too much and it leaves me overwhelmed, with a lot to do every day, and not as impactful as I know I can be.

My Solution: Pete’s work is different from anything I’ve experienced. The clarity and systemization he provides is world-class. I’m supremely clear on what I want in every aspect of my life, and then not just being clear on what I want but knowing systematically what I can and need to do to get it done. It’s super empowering.

Coming into my work with Pete, I was working hard. Harder than I’ve ever worked which is something because I’ve always worked hard, but effectiveness is more important. I’m grateful for the level of effectiveness I’ve been feeling since utilizing Pete’s coaching. This has impacted me personally and professionally in ways I couldn’t imagine prior to my work with Pete.

OE Marc

My work with Pete has changed things for me.

Marc B., Managing Partner at Fortune 100 Company

My Challenge: I was at a point where I was looking for more personal satisfaction. I didn’t want to feel empty anymore. I felt like I was taking time away from my family.

The question I asked is why can’t I have it all? Why can’t I be more balanced? Why can’t I have less stress and still be productive? Why can’t I have more fun? I believed that I could…I thought it was possible. I just didn’t know how to do it.

I wanted to figure out how I could continue to perform at a high level and, at the same time, not have anxiety, not have stress, and have a level of peace in my personal life

My Solution: My mental state, compared to where I was prior to working with Pete, is night and day. I’ve gotten so much more focused on progress not perfection. I’ve gotten so much more focused on being present in the moment. So much more focused on realizing a goal is a direction and I have direction every day.

I have so much more clarity with specific things I do every day that keep me grounded. My work with Pete has changed things for me. I don’t wake up dreading Mondays anymore.

I have clarity and focus every day and every week. His system for creating clarity has been a gamechanger. And I’m enjoying the process along the way. I realize more and more that there is no destination. I’ve stopped trying to hit some number thinking I’d feel good and realized if I can make an impact every single day, that’s a win.

That’s not to say my experience has been without tangible results. I’m the #1 recruiter out of 500 at my company right now. And I’ve been #1 for the last several months. For me, it’s been the ability to raise my performance, across all arenas of my life, without compromising my sense of balance, joy, peace, and overall well-being.

A Life Management System empowers busy professionals to make substantial improvements in their performance, well-being, and quality of life.

major 8 life arenas
Health 21%
Mission 18%
Lifestyle 40%
Mindset 23%
Spirit 16%
Finance 10%
Lover 20%
Family/Friends 20%
6 pillars of personal excellence
Awareness 14%
Clarity 36%
Strategy 31%
Connection 21%
Psychology 30%
Physiology 20%

These statistics were collected from a focus group of 75+ business leaders we worked with through our Signature Program, OE-I. Our team is dedicated to enabling this kind of personal and professional elevation in our programming.

OE Melanie

I gained direction in pursuing my goals with greater intention.

Melanie T.

I needed to move beyond my stagnant production level at work. Pete’s system helped me focus on both personal and business goals, and I have attained levels that I have never reached before.

OE Michael

I learned about myself and how to achieve what I never imagined.

Michael M.

I was juggling a number of priorities, including going through an acquisition. The value Pete provided me is easily 30x my investment in the program because I run my life with a growth mindset.

OE Scott

My career and personal life have thrived. I have achieved thing I never thought I’d achieve.

Scott C.

Professionally, I have been more dominant and have seen performance separation from my peers. Personally, I am happier than I have been in many years.

OE Stephanie

Pete helped me revamp my path. I am more intentional and effective.

Stephanie B.

I put a system in place for my new business launch. Pete helped me accelerate my progress and gave me the tools to build a solid and sustainable foundation to chart my own course.

OE Amy

I aligned my progress with my values and have greater intensity in my work and focus in my life.

Amy H.

I made a declaration to myself to ‘take my life back into my own hands.’ Pete helped me become more intentional with my weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals.

OE Barjes

Pete empowered me to take my business and practice to the next level.

Barjes A.

I was able to identify clearly where I needed improvement and raise the standard to achieve higher performance. Pete was right there with me to help me establish a system to move forward.

OE Dominique

Pete’s program is invaluable in providing a roadmap to success.

Dominique D.

I can say with confidence that I would not be the same if I didn’t work with Pete. He has instilled in me the desire to work at my best, which has me more focused and more productive. Our leadership team has built stronger relationships because of his work.

OE John S

Pete’s combination of positivity and action made an immeasurable impact on my work and life.

John S.

For the prior 10 years, I was feeling mentally burnt out, physically tired and personally unfulfilled even as a top performer in my profession. I gained clarity around what I truly want out of life and a system to execute and improve.

OE Deborah K

I am now laser-focused on achieving what I want in all areas of my life, not just my career.

Deborah K.

Pete challenged me to examine how I was living and in accordance with my values and dreams. His program is like the secret decoder ring of joy - I uncovered areas where I’d been holding myself back and since have made massive changes.


Pete’s work brought a paradigm shift with many on our team.

Al J.

For me, the most valuable part of working with Pete was training to become a World Class Strategist. I am clearer on my priorities, more focused with my time, and have seen an impact on my overall efficiency and execution.

OE Fred

Simply life changing. I am now living my life with purpose.

Fred J.

If you want to accomplish your dreams; if you want more to life; if you want to accomplish more; look no further than Pete. I developed a clear plan of action to achieve my goals and also find more purpose in my life.

OE Catherine

Pete changed my entire life. Hi system led to real change for me.

Catherine T.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to become a better version of yourself, then you need to work with Pete. I enjoyed his expertise, his realness, and his approach to growth.

OE Deborah B

I accelerated my personal growth, and am overcome by joy and accomplishment.

Deborah J.

What a year! My experience with Pete opened my eyes, my mind, and my vision on who I am, who I want to be, where I want to go and how to get there. The program showed me how to dream again. I have a renewed belief in myself.

OE Jeff

Pete is personally invested in everyone he coaches. I felt like I was his only client!

Jeff G.

The personal operating system that Pete helped me create has been the most significant contributor to my personal growth. It has helped me bring focus and discipline to the fundamentals and to what I need to execute on a daily basis.

OE Ariel

We are more focused and united as a team. We have all of the tools to achieve our goals.

Ariel R.

Pete is extremely knowledgeable and professional. He genuinely cares about the people he serves and cheers for their success. If you fully commit to his strategies and principles, you will undoubtedly see positive changes and success.

OE Lynne

Pete provided me with a system to ensure that my actions are finally achieved.

Lynne Z.

The lightbulb went off in Pete’s program. I started to see for the first time in my career that I was finally doing something with the ideas I was learning in an organized way.

OE Jeremy

Anything Pete develops and creates is a must for leaders.

Jeremy W.

I have been studying personal development, leadership and achievement for 15 years. Pete’s approach is unique because it combines achievement and fulfillment on a personal journey to develop greater clarity and focus while finding passion and purpose.

OE Warren

Working with Pete was the best money I’ve ever spent, and I would do it again 10x over.

Warren P.

Before working with Pete, I lacked a clear idea of what I really wanted out of life. I always had a high motor and had been very driven, but I was lacking balance. With Pete, I built a foundation and system to lean on and rely on to stay on track.

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